Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Assalamualaikum warahmatullah.

Aku peminat lagu2 kelasik.

I dont have any idea on how these people gather themselves; trying to modernize those P.Ramlee's etc into a deadly, ear-pain, i-feel-like-banging-my-head-to-the-wall catastrophe??

A masterpiece is what u call? Yucks.

Argh. This is so unbearable.

Hello....! Those P.Ramlee's are evergreen lah.

U people made em Nevergreen!

ps: maaf, emo. maaf,
pss: esok isra'mikraj, istighfar byk2 faiz.


I've sent the Heart home. Badan jek tinggal. = , =!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Crushing those Crushes

Someone I know used to have a “major crush” on an Indian movie star. When her friends reminded her he wasn’t even Muslim, that he was an idol worshiper, she was fine with it. “He’ll probably convert to Islam one day,” she would say. This same person used to love a particular boy band. She knew all their songs by heart, and hung their posters on her wall. She saved her pocket money every month to buy their merchandise, and spent so much time reading up on every aspect of their lives she could find.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Paediatrics Dentistry: Menawan Hati Si Kecil

Assalamualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh and good day.
I'm now in the 3rd week of Dental block which is consisted of:
Week 1: Head and Oral Anatomy in Dentistry.
Week 2: Oral diagnosis
These 2 weeks dealt with Oromaxillofacial Surgery and Oral Surgery stuffs like these:

This week is all about Paediatrics Dentistry and Periodontics. Next week will be on Prosthodontics.
We are taught about how to tackle the children, how to coax them to open the mouth,
how to manage the pampered kid whom the parents are so eager to see what we gonna do to their child.

We learnt about the early prevention to caries in children like at what age we should teach the child to toothbrushing, how we take care of the oral health in babies, these and those until we came to this conversation.

In a car, otw back to USM from CIM-CUM (a restaurant where we gluttonized ourselves)

A: Seronok an belaja paed dent nie. Belajar nak treat budak-budak bagai.
B: Ha'ah , aku teringat kat anak saudara aku kat umah tue. nak practice kat anak sedara aku tu la.
C: Aku pun.
FaizKamarul: Oh yeh? aku tak plak macam tu. I'm thinking of my future children.
A,B,C,D,E,F,G: Wowooooooooooo. hahahahahahahahahhhhh

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Nausea and vomiting because of..


These 2 things, nausea and vomiting; haunt me. again.
It's true MORPHINE can cause these two, but i dont take it. I read it (the notes), instead.

Oh, maybe because of tomorrow's exam. i did tell u i hv had these during previous exams, didnt I?

Kesian abdominal muscles aku. : (

Situasi sekarang: menunggu air panas untuk menjadi suam agar dapat diminum bersama2 dengan ini.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Bekwoh di Kelate!

Salam alaik!
afif, nasyrah, and nailah.
location: sumwhere at Kedai Buluh. Wedding of our patient's brother that we clerked last few months. We were by the roadside, buying some 'jagung rebus' and 'buah salak' otw home.

At pengantin's house

Last week's photo (4th June 2011)
on the way to Bachok.
attending a Senior's wedding.

wohooo, 2 weddings in 2 weeks!
next week, sapa punya turn?
PS: all photos, credit to Dayah.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Post-exam syndromes (2): anak ma da pandai memasak!

Assalamualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh. May Peace be upon you.

ehem, seiring dan sejalan dengan tajuk seperti di atas:
was this your reaction upon reading the entry's title???

ya know how to cook,then?? o c'mon, kill me, kill me!!!!

ya, ya, ya...
I should have known this.

Btw, you know what, i've been pending this post for quite few days.
It's like when i have that mood to type, and poof... the mood's gone!

Today is Sunday. We got a one-day break here in Kelantan in conjunction with Hari Keputeraan Yang Dipertuan Agong. Yang ke.. err, tak pastilah.
Tomorrow, i'll be starting my first dental class as a 3rd year, InsyaAllah.

3rd year's dental block~4thJune till 30th June 2011

A fellow friend of mine once asked my mum, "Oh, si Faiz tak cuti lagi? Lambatnya cuti...."
My medical colleagues have "tata" us the dentals few days earlier.
Since we just finished our 2nd Continuous Assessment/Selanjar for this year, everybody was so eager to go home, including yours truly.

Ha, mentioning about the Selanjar that i went through this week. It was totally mind-and-body tiring. takdelah sampai kena anticipatory emesis mcm hari tue, kena indigestion jek.

i copied from FLM session. Too lazy to rewrite it properly on the plain paper

my "noticeboard" where i pasted sticky notes

notes that have been rearranged. they used to "mountain" my bed

i found this amusing. mata dia i emang sengaja buat macam tue. ala, yang macam dalam cerita2 kat tv atau surat khabar yang kononnya tamau bagitau muka sebenar si convict tue...
ini nota STD ok, ofkos la i tanak dedahkan siapa. heh (mula la tue)

oh ya, osce clinical hari tue dapat kes ni.

This patient came to the hospital , complaining discharge from his penis. Take relevant history pertaining to the complaint.

Kat atas katil tue duduklah seorang lelaki. Yang jadik examinernye, seorang Prof di PPS*.

FaizKamarul: Salam encik. Saya FaizKamarul, pelajar pergigian. Ini dr saya.

(tukar channel) Dr, this is my patient.

Encik, boleh bagitau nama encik, umur dan asal dari mana?

Encik XY: Saya XY dari Negeri U. 28 tahun.

FaizKamarul: Boleh saya tahu sebab apa encik masuk ke hospital nie?

Encik XY: Penyakit kelamin.

FaizKamarul: O..........k. Saya nak tahu, apa yang menyebabkan encik datang ke hospital ni?

Encik XY: Ada cecair keluar dari kemaluan saya.

FaizKamarul: Owhhh.... encik, boleh tak encik bagitau macam mana rupanya cecair yang keluar tuh? Warna apa...., ada bau ke tak....? (omg, panas muka aku)

Encik XY: emm. warna hijau. bau dia busuk la...

FaizKamarul: (cmon faiz think2) err.. cecair tue keluar time bile ye, encik? time duduk saja2 sampai basah seluar ke, time encik buang air je ke? ada bercampur dengan darah tak? masa kencing tu ada rasa sakit kat mana2 tak?

Encik XY: takde la. keluar time kencing jek. tadek darah pun.

FaizKamarul: encik, pada kemaluan encik tu ada gatal2 tak? merah2 ke? (pheww, neves weyh neves)

Encik XY: ada la gatal ckit2.

FaizKamarul: gatal-gatal and cecair tu kan, dah berapa lama encik alami benda neh?

Encik XY: seminggu yang lepas.

FaizKamarul: owhhhh... seminggu lepas ye. Encik dah berkahwen?

Encik XY: Dah.

FaizKamarul: berapa lama dah kawen tuh?

Encik XY: 20 tahun dah.

FaizKamarul: (20 tahun?? biar betik orang neh, kata umur 28, nie mesti skrip punya problem neh), o...k, saya nak tanya isteri encik ada tak mengalami gatal-gatal, keluar cecair yang sama macam yang encik alami sekarang neh?

Encik XY: tak dop pong.

FaizKamarul: Encik, mintak maaf la saya nak tanya ckit neh, sebelum berkawen dulu, encik pernah tak melakukan hubungan seksual?

Encik XY: Pernah.

FaizKamarul: emmm, er encik saya nak tanya lagi, masa melakukan hubungan seksual tue, ada pakai err kondom tak?

Encik XY: tadek.

FaizKamarul: Emm, dr, saya rasa itu saje saya nak tanya. ada masa lagi tak? (uuu, i supposed to address her as Prof instead of Dr )

Prof XX: ada ckit lagi. you nak present pun boleh, tak present pun takpe.

Prof XX pun tanya la, apa diagnosis, what investigations to order gitu.

Then, loceng berbunyi tanda tamatlah 10 minit itu.

PS: patient olok-olok itu sebenarnya telah diberikan skrip untuk dihafal bagi memudahkan jawapan kepada soalan2 yang diajukan oleh kami yang diperiksa ini.

PSS: Doa, Usaha, Tawakal. Istiqamah jek sekarang neh.

Sekian, wassalam. Jangan lupa doakan kejayaan bersama!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Post-exam syndromes (1)


Saya terasa hendak mengepos banyak perkara ketika ini.
Tapi, banyak sangat nota untuk dikemas.
ehsan google. in my life, they 'mountain' on my bed.

Orang rumah (baca: rakan sebilik) pergi ke Kuala Lumpur untuk beberapa hari ini.
Ahad ini, saya cuti. Saya tahu, anda di sana itu memang sah-sah bercuti setiap ahad, kan.




maybeeee i've sumting to tell ya soon.
just wait.