Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy Teacher's Day, cikgu!

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh, May peace be upon you.
Today is Teacher's Day. n I'm staring at my lecture notes and the light ray reflected from the retina of my eyes is almost like penetrating those bulky paperssss... har har har

STD: Sexually Transmitted Disease or recently Sexually Transmitted Infection is preferred to be used.What is it actually??Does it mean when ONLY u do "thing" u get infected?? No. Big NO.
Well, for u to know, having sex promiscuously (vaginal, oral, anal types of intercourse) is YES, u can be infected.
Besides, STI can also be transmitted via mucosal membrane or skin breaches, use of same IV needles which has been used by infected person and during chilbirth and breastfeeding........

When we talk about STI whereby the I is for Infection, we ponder about organisms involved. Kan?
Just name it, then.

well, u have to be infected by Treponema Pallidum to get Syphilis. picture showing you secondary syphilis.

Neisseria Gonorrhea if u long for Gonococcal Urethritis.
Chlamydia Trachomatis for Non-gonococcal urethritis and Lymphogranuloma Venereum
and if u wish for chancroid, u have to have Haemophilus Ducreyi.

What's next? Virus? Very well, then.
Genital herpes: Human Simplex Virus
Genital wart: Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
AIDS? well, u knew it already. Human Immunodeficiency Virus

Next is Fungi
Candidiasis due to Candida Albicans

Protozoa comes next
Urethritis and Vaginitis: Trichomonas Vaginalis

hmm, followed by Arthropod
Genital Scabies: Sarcoptes Scabei (sarcastic giler bunyi....)
Pediculosis Pubis: Ptriasis Pubis

source: lecture notes.

1 comment:

  1. salam.
    what do all the lecture notes and the gory pictures have got to do with teacher's day?
