Monday, February 28, 2011



aku controlled habis dah suara dalam MDL tadi, ingat nak kasik lagi kuat. wahahaha. tension betul!
cons punya pasal, cannot help laaaa..
nasib baik pakai facemask, u wouldnt wanna know how my face reaction was. (grrrr..)
maaf la kpd classmates and staff nurses.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pilihanraya Kampus Kesihatan USM:Finding Mr. Right


tajuk kemahen serius but i dont intend to post such one pun. teheeeeee

1: today is the last day of my Qigong' class. phewwww... akhirnya. next weekend there will be practical exam pulak, insyaAllah.. u know what, i managed to force myself diligently every weekend to go for the practice. gilos, tau tak kelas dia mula kul 7.30 pagi tau. awal tue. teheee.

2. okeh, sekarang neh nak cakap ckit pasal Pilihanraya Kampus yang sedang berlaku di kampus saya neh. hoho. sekarang ni kiranya musim untuk memancing undi, bukan pancing orang yep. i dont want to talk much about the details eg candidates, qualifications bagai....

tapinya, pada pendapat yang lahir dr minda cik faiz ialah:

--> i dont care which candidate that will win the election BUT as long as she/he does right things because of Allah, and carries out the obligations and responsibilities that hv been bestowed upon her/him, that would be enough for me. for us. insyaAllah.
“Ye are the best of peoples, risen up for mankind, commanding what is right, forbidding what is evil, and believing in Allah… ” (Qur’an, 3:110)

-->Dont badmouth other people. dont make badmouthing as your habit.

-->all for one. one for all. that matters most.

--> voting is a right. a right implies a responsibility, a duty, yes? we're given options and everyone has the right to make right decision to vote for Mr. Right. teheeee

la, serius plak dah bila aku baca balik. gedik betul, da lah, maleh edit aih!
oh ye, emang tengah demam pilihanraya betul lah dengan aku2 sekali demam :(

sekian, jangan lupa mengundi! kerana UNDImu begitu berharga. :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011



entah macam mana, pada suatu hari di kampung,
masa tue, saya, ma, makngah, n maksu kat dapur.
mak su nak masak daging masak itam. tau tak macam mana daging masak itam tuh? haa, sedap weyh..

okeh, tujuan entri kali ini bukan la untuk memberi resepi daging masak hitam tue. sebab frankly speaking, cik faiz pun ta pass nak masak lagiiiiii.. heh heh heh

saya cakap la kat depan mereka semua, dengan niat untuk menyakat ma saya: 'ma, kalu orang nak kawen, boleh tak?' hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa

ma: ada calon dah ke? kawan se-batch ke? kawen la, klu da gatal sangat nak kawen..... (meleret jek bunyik kawen tuh.....)

faiz: haha. tadek la calonnya lagi. ma, klu orang tadek calon, ma carikan orang sorang, ma. (betul,dengan nada serius neh)

ma: tamau aq aih! cari sendiri.

faiz: alaaaaa ma neh....... (gilak serius time neh)

mak ngah ngan maksu aku menyokong betul bila aku sebut pasal kawen. (aish, makcik2 neh)

one of my friends asked me what kind of husband i would like to have in the future. i was kinda errrr tatau nak cakap ape.

" YA Allah seandainya dia diciptakan mnjdi milikku,baik utkku duniaku dan akhiratku..maka satukanlah kami dlm ikatan pernikahan.. tetapi Ya Allah....seandainya dia bukan milikku, tidak baik untukku duniaku dan akhiratku, maka pisahkan kami dn hubungkanlah kami sbg persaudaraan islam.."
boleh la neh, kalu ada crush kat sesapa. heh heh heh

malam tadi, i browsed thru websites and blogs la gitu.
nak share ckit neh.

ps: this was the first time i talked to my mum about getting married. korang ta tenguk reaction ma aku time tuh.. wa cakap sama lu! maybe terkedu kot. agaknya.
then, sejak tu la "kawen" ta lekang le setiap kali cik faiz balik ke rumah. hak2. mintak ampun ma oiiiii! orang tarik balik apa yang orang cakap tadik tue! slurpppp!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Take-5: gratis dan ketombe


i always thot "gratis" is an indonesian term. i knew it means "free" as in FOC but never thot that it's actually an English word.

i watched Indon ads back home, entah macam mana my tv antenna could receive indon channels pulak time tuh! hahahah.

"gratis dengan setiap pembelian!"
"shampu yang bisa menghilangkan ketombe anda" , "ketombe"= dandruff ,haaaa...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ismi Faiz, what's yours?


my new blog template is a wayyyyyy too simple, isnt it?
what say u, readers?

em'em, i received few comments about my previous entry entitled Bahasa Melayu SPM 2007. And most of em asked me whether i got angry to the doctor who gave the lecture. No, i'm certainly not!

it's just that for those who are seemingly "worshiping" foreign languages such that they go beyond the limit. (this is tooo exaggerating, and i know that :) sorry, people!)

Many parents encourage their children to master English Language, but how many of em even think of including Arabic as one too? chill2 it's just a thot, it's just a thot. tehehehehehhhh

mode changed:

Bahasa Inggeris saya pun tak la setara mana. inggeris loghat peghok lagi, paham ke yong, yop? :)

bahasa Arab pun hanyalah dikutip daripada pengalaman belajar di sekolah menengah dulu. adalah dalam 3 tahun. uhhibuka! fahimtum??:)

sekian, ma'as salamah!


lot a changed i've,
me old the find never you "new" the

Friday, February 11, 2011


dearest faiz, sila tenung betul2.

  1. The red blood cells here are normal, happy RBC's.
  2. They have a zone of central pallor about 1/3 the size of the RBC.
  3. The RBC's demonstrate minimal variation in size (anisocytosis)
  4. and shape (poikilocytosis).
  5. A few small fuzzy blue platelets are seen.
  6. In the center of the field are a band neutrophil on the left
  7. and a segmented neutrophil on the right.

  1. The RBC's here are smaller than normal
  2. Have an increased zone of central pallor.
  3. This is indicative of a hypochromic (less hemoglobin in each RBC) microcytic (smaller size of each RBC) anemia.
  4. There is also increased anisocytosis (variation in size)
  5. and poikilocytosis (variation in shape).


  1. Here is a hypersegmented neutrophil that is present with megaloblastic anemias.
  2. There are 8 lobes instead of the usual 3 or 4. Such anemias can be due to folate or to B12 deficiency.
  3. The size of the RBC's is also increased (macrocytosis, which is hard to appreciate in a blood smear).
carigali di sini

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bahasa Melayu SPM 2007


sewaktu saya berada di dalam kelas Hubungan Etnik hari ini,
saya amat tertarik dengan istilah "pseudo-english" yang doktor gunakan.
"pseudo-english Malay"?, err...

benar, tak salah berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggeris.
tetapi, usahlah memandang enteng kepada bahasa sendiri. pincang emosi namanya tu!
maaf, saya mengakui saya agak emosional apabila membincangkan isu2 sebegini dan saya sedar bahawa pertimbangan minda yang rasional amat signifikan terutamanya apabila kita membahaskan isu2 yang kadangkala dianggap klise atau semata-mata retorik.
kelas tadi membincangkan masyarakat Malaysia dan ekonomi yang pada pendapat saya, tidak perlulah saya memperkatakan panjang lebar di sini. (tettttttt...)

lagipun, sepanjang kelas tadi saya dengan seorang rakan sekelas turut sama membincangkan tentang isu2 ekonomi serta senario pendidikan di Malaysia dewasa ini. (haha, nampak sangat perhatian kepada doktor agak kurang di situ).

nampaknya, entri kali ini agak skema berbanding yang sebelumnya.
sekian. sehingga bertemu di lain lembaran. :)

Monday, February 7, 2011