Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Call 999 and bring the..... edited

gambar google: yang merah tue la hp iiiiiiiiiii...
been using it for errr since i was in Form5 la.
once thot of maximally using it till Year5. hahahahaha (gilak)

the whether today is soooo warm.
I was in the washroom at Nurani, not knowing that there was my hp in the pocket.
aku lalukan sedikit air di atas hp tersebut, sebab jijik kot, jatuh kat washroom.
It was still "alive" at the moment.
2 hours later, it turned off for good.
I disassembled it.
Hoping that it will turn out, near normal. *pray*

ps: Faiz Kamarul tak dapat dihubungi melalui hp, buat sementara waktu. Maybe sampai organ dalaman hp aku kering kot. har har har

pss: this entry falls into label kamarul zaman's family. as for you to note that.

correction: spelling error weather not whether, thanks sir for pointing that out. i thot it was 'disassemble' :)