Sunday, July 18, 2010


salam. hi.


6.30: subuh prayer
645: bum-bum, again
7.30: woke up, picked up dirty clothes, loaded into the basket, snatched some coins from the drawer,off to DM3, unloaded the clothes.
as i walked downstairs,.........ohmygosh, where's my plastic container??????
i couldnt find it. at first i thot, "habis la, mesti makcik cleaner da buang.. adoyai" then suddenly my eyes caught something which was familiar to my eyes. ngeh3 ada jek kotak tue
tp mengikut firasat cik faiz, the kotak was about to be thrown away by the makcik. tunggu masa jek tue.

sebenarnya, i put all my first year notes in that box. unfortunately, i am tooooooooo laaaazy to bring them upstairs. banyak weyh, lenguh pinggang akak, dik klu nak angkat sume.
then, i quickly unloded the clothes, set the washing machine and terus p angkat nota2 tue.

around 11am: baru la sumenya selesai. baju da siap jemur, buku da siap kemas yada3.

seterusnya, diringkaskan citer. from about 11am to 3pm, i was in prostho lab with alisa to do all convex stuffs. hailoh, letih pinggang berdiri menunggu gigi siap. jangan ada yang kompelin da la.
we made those with profuse sweat and fatigue muscles, tau.

then, later in evening, syazana, diba and i went to KFC. we hvnt hd our lunch yet and only God knew how starving i was.

after that, we went to Pustaka Sri Intan, saje nak beli highlighters ckit, ink ckit. nak citer ckit semasa nak melintas jalan tuh. erlaku la sesuatu kejadian. meh lukis ckit camne situation ketika nak melintas tue:

the road was soooo bz. maklum la we went back ard 430pm, peak hour la,katakan. then, from KFC, we waited until the traffic lite turned to red . the plan was that, once it turned to red,we would cross it. as we waited at the middle of the white lines dividing the road into two-way, a big long lorry suddenly was approaching towards us. APALAGI, CIK FAIZ PUN MENCICIT-CICIT LARI MENYELAMATKAN DIRI, LEAVING BEHIND SYAZANA AND DIBA menuju ke arah divider as shown by the arrow. hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
memang seram.

tp, alhamdulillah, lori tue berhenti betul2 ta jauh dr tempat kitorang berhenti. nasib baik ada 2 kereta kat depan lori tuh. AND SO THE LORRY SLOWED DOWN.......

tu je la citernya, sangat menakutkan. lawak pun ada coz lepas jek melintas, kitorang ketawa huah3 pasal ingat insiden tuh.

cik faiz ta bagitau ma kat umah lagik pasal menda neh. mesti ma bising punya klu cik faiz citer. hehehe
pesanan kepada diri sendiri: jangan ulangi perbuatan ini. baik!

sekian, wassalam,take care.


hehehe, gambar di bawah ni merupakan hasil kerja cik faiz di prostho lab.
ada kawan2 jugak yang tolong trim, tolong sandpaper gigi2 neh. thanks kawan2.
ps: ini gigi incisor kanan rahang atas.

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