Thursday, January 27, 2011

tanda orang sayangkan kita...

assalamualaikum wth.

how reluctant is USM to let me go home earlier such that there's a 4-hour dental lecture tomorrow.

saya saaaaaaayang awak, USM!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

SMS and Email

Assalamualaikum wth.

my entries these few days might be a lil bit emotional. reasonably emotional (if i'm the only person to use this term, so what? ada aku kisah?)
strictly nothing to do with lovey-dovey things if u guys might think so. what the heck.
ok, tadek mood untuk bercakap.
i've got lots more things to do. rather thinking and pondering the unworthy matter.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

padi dan jambu batu

kalau padi katakan padi,
tidak saya tertampi-tampi,
kalau jadi katakan jadi,
tidaklah saya ternanti-nanti.

apa diharap padi seberang,
entah berbuah entahkan tidak,
apa diharap janjinya orang,
entahkan jadi entahkan tidak.

buah meranti buah kepayang,
pucuk pauh delima batu,
hanya saya terkenang-kenang,
orang benci saya tak tahu.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It may sound cliche


i went to see a doctor. a medical doctor.

because of swollen eyes, mild bilateral edema, and headache that i experienced two days ago.

i didnt want to see a doctor but then my friend insisted me. she even accompanied me to Pusat Kesejahteraan Pelajar.

okeh, the point is that:

i dont like seeing a doctor for treatment. can u believe what i'm saying right here?

i'm afraid of doctors. ta kesah la what kinda doctors. TEETH doctors? lagi la.

i dont know since when i've been feeling like this.

and i believe that lots more people out there who feel the same way like meh.

i dont want people to be scared of me in the future. am i scary? *sometimes, yes. (yeke?)

i learnt a lot about ethics in medical school. we even have 1 specific block of bioethics. but i wonder if we really practice what we've learnt in those 5 years? and that thot gives at least, an answer to my i-dont-wanna-see-doctors attitude.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Baju Kurung dan Komik Jepun


I have been here in Kelantan for almost 2 years.
There are many things happened here that everyone that knew me before doesnt know.

1: You can frequently see Faiz Nor still wearing her Baju Kurung by the roadside,wandering around hospital, Mydin and Nirwana, Dvillage and Dclassic, and EVEN for dinner.

2: I am currently attending to QiGong classes. Well, it's one of my curricula here. Every student in USM must attend for any Ko-K classes for two semester. Btw, i went for "senamrobik" classes last sem. Dapat A-. hak3 puas aku berjoget dalam kelas cikgu rohani tuhhhhhh....

3: okeh, saya ada membeli sebuah komik Jepun yang telah diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Melayu. Yang "ta bleh bla" pasal komik tu, ialah penggunaan slang dan dialek sebuah negeri dalam Malaysia ni telah digunapakai. Kunun, gadis comel tp bahasa kekampungan gitu sinopsisnya.
PS: nasib baek dia tok pake loghat peghok, klu idok, emang teman bako komik neh!

ini dah dekat2 3x aku beli komik ta best langsung. yang latest ni pun, i flipped thru first 4-5 pages jek.
eh, tadek la banyak noe pun.
sapa cakap ta banyak???
banyak pe.
saje jek tamau tulis .
alamak, esok ada clinical teaching and PBL bagai.
ttfn, wassalam :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

dont think that you're alone

He it is who created the heaven and the earth in six days, and is moreover firmly established on the throne(of authority),
He knows what enters within the earth and what comes forth out of it,
What comes down from heaven and what mounts up to it,
And He is with you wheresoever ye may be,
And Allah sees well all that ye do.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Value the present for u cant change the past.

04 Januari 1990

29 Januari 1993

02 Januari 1998

adik-beradik perempuan saya semuanya lahir pada bulan Januari. alip? dia bulan 11. hak3
tp yang kena pau selalunya, neh, yang tengah menaip neh.

si angah awal2 lagi dah mengingatkan saya si kakaknya yang akan bersifat pemurah selagi duit JPA masih ada, untuk menyumbangkan sedikit sebanyak sempena ari jadinya. hohohoho..

selalunya, kitorang tak celebrate pun bday. maksudnya, tadek la nak wat kenduri kendara bagai. klu ngan abah, abah bawak keluar makan. klu tak keluar makan pun, ma masak le spesel ckit. tak pun, ma kasik duit beli piza n makai reramai dalam umah. heh3

semalam, zul, nasy, nae and dayah buat nasik goreng fishball and a cake(tipu, cake tu buat tempahan, ok)

PS: I expected few people to personally text me a HB!
thots arent no longer counted, are they?
some say: make new friends,
never forget the old ones unless u hv Alzheimer disease.

yang penting: semoga bertambah iman dan amal, diberkati Ilahi, dan semuanya berjalan lancar, inshaAllah.
umur baru, semangat pun kena baru ye tak?? : ) forget the past, for good. value the present! :)